
This module contains classes that are part of OVITO’s data pipeline system.


  • Pipeline - a sequence of data input and processing steps (a data source followed by modifiers)

  • Modifier - base class of all built-in data modification and processing algorithms of OVITO

  • ModifierInterface - abstract base class for user-defined modifiers

  • PipelineNode - base class for all types of pipeline steps

  • ModificationNode - a pipeline step that processes some input data by applying a given modifier algorithm

Pipeline data sources:

class ovito.pipeline.FileSource

Base: ovito.pipeline.PipelineNode

This object type serves as a Pipeline.source and takes care of reading the input data for a Pipeline from an external file.

You normally do not need to create an instance of this class yourself; the import_file() function does it for you and wires the fully configured FileSource to the new Pipeline. However, if needed, the FileSource.load() method allows you to load a different input file later on and replace the input of the existing pipeline with a new dataset:

from ovito.io import import_file

# Create a new pipeline with a FileSource:
pipeline = import_file('input/first_file.dump')

# Get the data from the first file:
data1 = pipeline.compute()

# Use FileSource.load() method to replace the pipeline's input with a different file 

# Now the pipeline gets its input data from the new file:
data2 = pipeline.compute()

Furthermore, you will encounter other FileSource objects in conjunction with certain modifiers that need secondary input data from a separate file. The CalculateDisplacementsModifier, for example, manages its own FileSource for loading reference particle positions from a separate input file. Another example is the LoadTrajectoryModifier, which employs its own separate FileSource instance to load the particle trajectories from disk and combine them with the topology data previously loaded by the main FileSource of the data pipeline.

Data access

A FileSource is a PipelineNode, which provides a compute() method returning a copy of the data loaded from the external input file(s). The compute() method loads the data of a specific trajectory frame from the input file(s) and returns it as a DataCollection object:

# This creates a new Pipeline with an attached FileSource.
pipeline = import_file('input/simulation.dump')

# Request data of trajectory frame 0 from the FileSource.
data = pipeline.source.compute(0)

To modify or amend the DataCollection loaded by the FileSource, you have to insert a user-defined modifier function into the pipeline. A typical use case is assigning the radii and names to particle types loaded from a simulation file that doesn’t contain named atom types:

pipeline = import_file('input/simulation.dump')

# User-defined modifier function that assigns names and radii to numeric atom types:
def setup_atom_types(frame, data):
    types = data.particles_.particle_types_
    types.type_by_id_(1).name = "Cu"
    types.type_by_id_(1).radius = 1.35
    types.type_by_id_(2).name = "Zr"
    types.type_by_id_(2).radius = 1.55

property data: DataCollection | None

This field provides access to the internal DataCollection managed by the file source, which stores a master copy of the data loaded from the input file (only the most recently loaded trajectory frame).


This data collection should be considered read-only, because any changes you make to its contents may be overwritten the next time the FileSource reads a trajectory frame from the input file. If you want to alter the data loaded by the FileSource in some way, in particular if you want to do it for every frame of a trajectory, consider inserting a custom Python modifier function at the beginning of the Pipeline that makes the desired changes.

load(location, **params)

Sets a new input file, from which this pipeline source will retrieve its data.

The function accepts additional keyword arguments, which are forwarded to the format-specific file reader managed internally by the FileSource. For further information, please see the documentation of the import_file() function, which has the same call interface as this method.

  • location (str | PathLike | Sequence[str]) – The local file(s) or remote URL to load.

  • params (Any) – Additional keyword parameters to be passed to the file reader.

property playback_ratio: str

Controls the trajectory playback ratio of the animation. This property controls how snapshots loaded from the file source are mapped to OVITO’s animation timeline. You can change the default 1:1 mapping to either a 1:n mapping, in which case each trajectory frame is replicated and rendered n times, or to an n:1 mapping, where only every n-th trajectory frame will be rendered.

Input has to be provided as a string in the form “a:b” or “a/b”, where a and b are integers.


ratio (str) – New playback ratio.


The current playback ratio as a string in the form “a:b”.



Added in version 3.11.0.

property playback_start_time: int

Controls at which animation frame the trajectory should begin to start playing. The first trajectory snapshot will be displayed until the playback_start_time animation frame is reached.



Added in version 3.11.0.

property source_path: str | Sequence[str]

This read-only attribute returns the path(s) or URL(s) of the file(s) where this FileSource retrieves its input data from. You can change the source path by calling load().

property static_frame: int | None

This field can be set to restrict the loaded trajectory to a single static frame, which is selected by a zero-based frame index. This option is equivalent to the setting Extract a static frame in the GUI. The default value None activates full trajectory playback.



Added in version 3.11.0.

class ovito.pipeline.ModificationNode

Base: ovito.pipeline.PipelineNode

Added in version 3.10.0.


Represents a modification step in a data processing pipeline, i.e, the application of a Modifier in a particular Pipeline.

Each ModificationNode has an input property, which is a reference to its preceding node in the upstream pipeline, where receives its input data from. Since each ModificationNode is associated with exactly one input node, they form a singly-linked list structure. The pipeline chain always terminates in a source PipelineNode, i.e., a node that is not a ModificationNode and doesn’t have another input node.

A ModificationNode always has a modifier field, which is a reference to a Modifier object implementing the actual data processing algorithm that gets executed during pipeline evaluation. The modifier is also the object that stores the specific control parameters of the data processing step. The ModificationNode itself simply represents the use of a modifier in a particular data pipeline.


The ModificationNode class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Instead, you can append a Modifier object to a pipeline’s Pipeline.modifiers virtual list, which will implicitly create a new ModificationNode and make that node the pipeline’s new head:

modifier = ColorCodingModifier()
assert pipeline.head.modifier is modifier
assert modifier.get_modification_nodes()[0] is pipeline.head
property input: PipelineNode

Reference to the upstream PipelineNode that provides the input data for this modification step in the pipeline. Several modification nodes, each located in a different pipeline, may share the same input node, which means it is possible to build branched pipelines that are fed by the same data source.

property modifier: Modifier

Reference to the Modifier that gets applied to the data as it flows through the pipeline. Several modification nodes may share the same modifier object, which allows using (applying) the same modifier in multiple pipelines. All uses of the modifier share the same parametrization in this case.

class ovito.pipeline.Modifier

Base class for all data modification and processing algorithms in OVITO. See the ovito.modifiers module for a list of all concrete modifier types that can be inserted into a data processing Pipeline.

property enabled: bool

Controls whether the modifier will be applied to the data or not. Disabled modifiers are skipped during evaluation of a data pipeline.



get_modification_nodes() list[ModificationNode]

Returns a list of all ModificationNodes currently associated with this modifier, i.e., whose modifier field points to this modifier. Each ModificationNode in the returned list represents the use or application of this modifier in a particular data pipeline.

Added in version 3.10.0.

property title: str

A human-readable name for the modifier to be displayed in the pipeline editor of the OVITO desktop application. If left unspecified (empty string), the display title is automatically determined by OVITO based on the modifier’s concrete class type.



Added in version 3.9.1.

class ovito.pipeline.ModifierInterface

Base: traits.has_traits.HasTraits

Added in version 3.8.0.

Abstract base class for Python-based modifiers that follow the advanced programming interface.

class InputSlot

Represents the upstream pipeline generating the input data for a custom modifier implementation.


Computes the results of the upstream pipeline connected to this input slot.

frame specifies the trajectory frame to retrieve, which must be in the range 0 to (num_frames-1).

The slot uses a caching mechanism to keep the data for one or more frames in memory. Thus, invoking compute() repeatedly to retrieve the same frame will typically be very fast.


frame (int) – The trajectory frame to retrieve from the upstream pipeline.

Return type:


property input_node: PipelineNode

The PipelineNode that forms outlet of the (upstream) pipeline connected to this modifier input slot.

Added in version 3.10.0.

property num_frames: int

The number of trajectory frames that the upstream pipeline connected to this input slot can produce. This field’s value is the same as input_node.num_frames.

abstract compute_trajectory_length(*, input_slots, data_cache, pipeline_node, **kwargs)

A modifier that would like to control the number of trajectory frames shown in the timeline of OVITO should implement this method to communicate the number of frames it is able to compute. For example, your modifier could take a static configuration as input (a single frame) and produce multiple output frames from it by synthesizing a trajectory. OVITO’s LoadTrajectoryModifier and SmoothTrajectoryModifier are examples for modifiers offering this special capability.

  • input_slots (Mapping[str, InputSlot]) – One or more InputSlot objects representing the upstream data pipeline(s) connected to this modifier.

  • data_cache (DataCollection) – A data container (initially empty) which may be used by the modifier function to store intermediate results.

  • pipeline_node (ModificationNode) – An object representing the use of this modifier in the pipeline whose trajectory length is being computed.

  • kwargs (Any) – Any other arguments that may be passed in by the pipeline system.


The number of animation frames this modifier can generate.

Return type:


An implementation of compute_trajectory_length() must return a positive integer. The value will serve as new timeline length, which will be used by OVITO for animation rendering and such. The pipeline system will invoke your modifier’s modify() method with frame parameter values ranging from 0 to the new trajectory length minus 1, and any subsequent modifiers in the downstream pipeline will see the new trajectory length.

If you do not implement the compute_trajectory_length() method, the pipeline system will assume that the number of output frames of the modifier is equal to the number of input trajectory frames coming from the upstream pipeline.


This modifier filters out every other frame of the input trajectory:

from ovito.data import DataCollection
from ovito.pipeline import ModifierInterface

class SkipFramesModifier(ModifierInterface):

    def compute_trajectory_length(self, *, input_slots: dict[str, ModifierInterface.InputSlot], **kwargs):
        # Let the output trajectory length be half of the input trajectory length.
        return input_slots['upstream'].num_frames // 2

    def modify(self, data: DataCollection, *, frame: int, input_slots: dict[str, ModifierInterface.InputSlot], **kwargs):
        # Pass only every other frame of the input trajectory down the pipeline.
        data.objects = input_slots['upstream'].compute(frame * 2).objects

The following modifier takes a static configuration as input and synthesizes animation frames to produce a turntable animation (similar to this tutorial). The length of the animation is controlled by the adjustable modifier parameter duration. We must call notify_trajectory_length_changed() whenever the value of this parameter changes, because it means the return value of compute_trajectory_length() changes too.

from ovito.data import DataCollection
from ovito.modifiers import AffineTransformationModifier
from ovito.pipeline import ModifierInterface
from traits.api import Range, observe
import numpy as np

class TurntableAnimation(ModifierInterface):

    # Parameter controlling the animation length (value can be changed by the user):
    duration = Range(low=1, value=100)

    def compute_trajectory_length(self, **kwargs):
        return self.duration

    def modify(self, data: DataCollection, *, frame: int, **kwargs):
        # Apply a rotational transformation to the whole dataset with a time-dependent angle of rotation:
        theta = np.deg2rad(frame * 360 / self.duration)
        tm = [[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0, 0],
                [np.sin(theta),  np.cos(theta), 0, 0],
                [            0,              0, 1, 0]]

    # This is needed to notify the pipeline system whenever the animation length is changed by the user:
    def anim_duration_changed(self, event):

Added in version 3.9.1.

abstract input_caching_hints(frame, *, input_slots, pipeline_node, **kwargs)

User-defined modifiers that access multiple trajectory frames in their modify() method should implement this method to communicate the list of frames going to be needed. The pipeline system will keep the data of these trajectory frames in an internal cache to avoid unnecessary I/O and compute operations. See Input data caching.

  • frame (int) – Zero-based trajectory frame number.

  • input_slots (Mapping[str, InputSlot]) – One or more InputSlot objects representing the upstream data pipeline(s) connected to this modifier.

  • pipeline_node (ModificationNode) – An object representing the use of this modifier in the pipeline that is currently being evaluated.

  • kwargs (Any) – Any further arguments that may be passed in by the pipeline system. This parameter should always be part of the function signature for forward compatibility with future versions of OVITO.

Return type:

Union[Sequence[int], Mapping[InputSlot, Union[int, Sequence[int]]]]

If your modifier defines additional input slots, the function must return a dictionary that specifies for each input slot, including the standard upstream slot, which input frame(s) should be cached. For example:

extra_slot = ovito.traits.OvitoObject(FileSource)

def input_caching_hints(self, frame, **kwargs):
    return {
        'upstream': frame,
        'extra_slot': 0

If your modifier does not define additional input slots, i.e. it only uses data produced by the upstream pipeline at certain frames, it is sufficient to return a list of frame numbers to be cached by the pipeline system:

def input_caching_hints(self, frame, **kwargs):
    # Cache current input frame and preceding frame:
    return [frame, frame - 1]


This method is supposed to be implemented as part of a user-defined modifier class but it should not be called by user code. The pipeline system will automatically invoke this method whenever necessary.

abstract modify(data, *, frame, input_slots, data_cache, pipeline_node, **kwargs)

The actual work function which gets called by the pipeline system to let the modifier do its thing.


Notifies the pipeline system that the number of output animation frames this modifier can compute has changed. The modifier class should call this method whenever the return value of its compute_trajectory_length() method changes, for example, as a consequence of a parameter change.

Added in version 3.9.1.

class ovito.pipeline.Pipeline

This class encapsulates a data pipeline, consisting of a data source and a chain of zero or more modifiers, which manipulate the data on the way through the pipeline.

Pipeline creation

Every pipeline has a data source, which loads or dynamically generates the input data entering the pipeline. This source is accessible through the Pipeline.source field and may be replaced with a different kind of source object if needed. For pipelines created by the import_file() function, the data source is automatically set to be a FileSource object, which loads the input data from the external file and feeds it into the pipeline. Another kind of data source is the StaticSource, which can be used if you want to programmatically specify the input data for the pipeline instead of loading it from a file.

The modifiers that are part of the pipeline are accessible through the Pipeline.modifiers field. This list is initially empty and you can populate it with the modifier types found in the ovito.modifiers module. Note that it is possible to employ the same Modifier instance in more than one pipeline. And it is okay to use the same data source object for several pipelines, letting them process the same input data.

Pipeline evaluation

Once the pipeline is set up, its computation results can be requested by calling compute(), which means that the input data will be loaded/generated by the source and all modifiers of the pipeline are applied to the data one after the other. The compute() method returns a new DataCollection storing the data objects produced by the pipeline. Under the hood, an automatic caching system ensures that unnecessary file accesses and computations are avoided. Repeatedly calling compute() will not trigger a recalculation of the pipeline’s results unless you alter the pipeline’s data source, the chain of modifiers, or a modifier’s parameters.

Usage example

The following code example shows how to create a new pipeline by importing an MD simulation file and inserting a SliceModifier to cut away some of the particles. Finally, the total number of remaining particles is printed.

from ovito.io import import_file
from ovito.modifiers import SliceModifier

# Import a simulation file. This creates a Pipeline object.
pipeline = import_file('input/simulation.dump')

# Insert a modifier that operates on the data:
pipeline.modifiers.append(SliceModifier(normal=(0,0,1), distance=0))

# Compute the effect of the slice modifier by evaluating the pipeline.
output = pipeline.compute()
print("Remaining particle count:", output.particles.count)

To access the unmodified input data of the pipeline, i.e. before it has been processed by any of the modifiers, you can call the PipelineNode.compute() method of the pipeline’s source node:

# Access the pipeline's input data provided by the FileSource:
input = pipeline.source.compute()
print("Input particle count:", input.particles.count)

Data visualization

If you intend to produce graphical renderings of a output data produced by a pipeline, you must make the pipeline part of the current three-dimensional scene by calling the Pipeline.add_to_scene() method.

Data export

To export the generated data of the pipeline to an output file, simply call the ovito.io.export_file() function with the pipeline.


Inserts the pipeline into the three-dimensional scene by appending it to the ovito.Scene.pipelines list. The visual representation of the pipeline’s output data will appear in rendered images and in the interactive viewports.

You can remove the pipeline from the scene again using remove_from_scene().


Computes and returns the output of this data pipeline (for one trajectory frame).

This method requests an evaluation of the pipeline and blocks until the input data has been obtained from the data source, e.g. a simulation file, and all modifiers have been applied to the data. If you invoke the compute() method repeatedly without changing the modifiers in the pipeline between calls, the pipeline may serve subsequent requests by returning cached output data.

The optional frame parameter specifies the animation frame at which the pipeline should be evaluated. Frames are consecutively numbered and range from 0 to num_frames-1. If you don’t specify a particular frame, the current time slider position will be used when running in an interactive OVITO Pro session, or frame 0 will be assumed if running in a non-interactive context.


frame (int | None) – The zero-based animation frame number at which the pipeline should be evaluated.


A DataCollection produced by the pipeline holding the data of the requested frame.

Return type:


The method raises a RuntimeError if the pipeline could not be successfully evaluated for some reason. This may happen due to invalid modifier settings and file I/O errors, for example.


This method returns a snapshot of the results of the current pipeline, representing an independent data copy. That means the snapshot will not reflect changes you subsequently make to the pipeline or the modifiers within the pipeline. After changing the pipeline, you have to invoke compute() again to let the pipeline produce a new updated snapshot.


The returned DataCollection represents a copy of the pipeline’s internal data, which means, if you subsequently make any changes to the objects in the DataCollection, those changes will not be visible to the modifiers within the pipeline – even if you add those modifiers to the pipeline after the compute() call as in this code example:

data = pipeline.compute()
data.particles_.create_property('Foo', data=...)

pipeline.modifiers.append(ExpressionSelectionModifier(expression='Foo > 0'))
new_data = pipeline.compute() # ERROR

The second call to compute() will fail, because the ExpressionSelectionModifier tries to reference a particle property Foo, which does not exist in the data seen by the modifiers in the pipeline. That’s because we add the property Foo only to the Particles object stored in our snapshot data. This DataCollection is independent from the transient data the pipeline operates on.

To make the property Foo available to modifiers in the pipeline, we thus need to create that property within the pipeline. This can be accomplished by performing the property creation via a Python modifier function that is inserted into the pipeline:

def add_foo(frame, data):
    data.particles_.create_property('Foo', data=...)
pipeline.modifiers.append(ExpressionSelectionModifier(expression='Foo > 0'))

Downstream modifiers now see the new particle property created by our user-defined modifier function add_foo, which operates on a transient data collection managed by the pipeline system.

property frames: Iterator[DataCollection]

Returns an iterator that yields the DataCollection computed by the pipeline for each frame. It can be used instead of the more explicit compute() method to obtain the data of all frames of a trajectory.

The following iteration loop calculates the particles center of mass for each frame produced by the pipeline:

for frame, data in enumerate(pipeline.frames):
    com = numpy.mean(data.particles.position, axis=0)
    print(f"Center of mass at frame {frame} is {com}")

The length of the iterator, len(pipeline.frames), is equal to the pipeline’s num_frames property.

Added in version 3.11.0.

get_replacement_vis_element(vis: DataVis) DataVis

Returns the DataVis element that is used by this pipeline in place of the original element vis. If vis has not been replaced by an independent copy using make_vis_element_independent(), the function returns vis itself.


vis (DataVis) – A visual element associated with some DataObject in this pipeline’s output data collection.


The DataVis element used in place of the given element when rendering the pipeline’s output data.


This is an advanced API function for building complex pipeline setups containing branches and shared modifiers. We recommend using the OVITO Pro graphical interface for building such branched pipeline architectures, then letting the Python code generation function produce the corresponding Python code for you.

Added in version 3.11.0.

property head: PipelineNode | None

This field holds the final PipelineNode of the pipeline, which is the last processing step producing the output of the pipeline. The data obtained from this node is what the pipeline’s compute() method returns.

If the pipeline contains no ModificationNodes yet (an empty modifiers list), then the pipelines’s head is identical with its source. The following code example demonstrates how the pipeline’s head node gets updated when a modifier is inserted into the pipeline:

pipeline = import_file('input/nylon.data')
assert isinstance(pipeline.source, FileSource)
assert pipeline.head is pipeline.source

slice = SliceModifier(normal=(0, 0, 1), distance=10.0)
assert isinstance(pipeline.head, ModificationNode)
assert pipeline.head.modifier is slice
assert pipeline.head.input is pipeline.source

Explicitly specifying a pipeline’s head node can be used to branch off from another pipeline:

pipeline_A = import_file('input/nylon.data')
pipeline_A.modifiers.append(SliceModifier(normal=(0, 0, 1), distance=10.0))
pipeline_B = Pipeline(head=pipeline_A.head)
pipeline_B.modifiers.append(ColorCodingModifier(property='Potential Energy'))

In this example, pipeline A and pipeline B share the same FileSource and a SliceModifier. After the bifurcation, pipeline branch A continues with a ClusterAnalysisModifier while pipeline branch B continues with a ColorCodingModifier.



Added in version 3.10.0.

make_vis_element_independent(vis: DataVis) DataVis

Replaces a DataVis visual element in the pipeline’s output DataCollection by an independent copy. The copy will be exclusively associated with this pipeline, allowing changes to the visualization settings without affecting other pipelines that share the same data source.


vis – The common visual element to be replaced by an independent copy. Must be a DataVis instance associated with some DataObject in the pipeline’s output data collection


The replacement DataVis object, which will be used at rendering time only by this pipeline.


This is an advanced API function used for building complex branched pipelines, typically for visualizing the same data side by side in multiple ways. It makes it possible to apply different visual settings to different instances of the same data produced in a shared branch of the pipeline structure. We recommend using the OVITO Pro graphical interface for building such complex pipeline architectures, then letting the Python code generator produce the corresponding Python code for you.

The pipeline manages the created replacement visual element internally. You can later call get_replacement_vis_element() to retrieve it again if necessary. Note that the pipeline does not actually replace the original element in the output DataCollection. The new visual element will rather be used at rendering time in place of the original one.

pipeline_A = import_file('input/nylon.data')
pipeline_B = Pipeline(head=pipeline_A.head) # Branch pipeline B off of pipeline A

# Insert both pipelines into the visualization scene

# Obtain output data collection of pipelines A and B. Both pipelines share the same pipeline nodes,
# which means they yield an identitical output, which also means they implicitly share the same
# visual elements attached to the data objects.
data = pipeline_B.compute()
assert pipeline_A.compute().particles.vis is data.particles.vis

# A change to a visual element thus affects the rendering of both pipelines A and B.
data.particles.vis.scaling = 0.8

# In order to configure the visualization of particles differently in pipelines A and B,
# we need to create an independent visual element in pipeline B, for example.
vis_B = pipeline_B.make_vis_element_independent(data.particles.vis)

# Configure replacement visual element for pipeline B (leaving the original one in pipeline A unchanged)
vis_B.shape = ParticlesVis.Shape.Circle

Added in version 3.11.0.

property modifiers: MutableSequence[Modifier]

The sequence of modifiers in the pipeline.

This list contains any modifiers that are applied to the input data provided by the pipeline’s data source. You can add and remove modifiers as needed using standard Python append() and del operations. The head of the list represents the beginning of the pipeline, i.e. the first modifier receives the data from the data source, manipulates it and passes the results on to the second modifier in the list and so forth.

Example: Adding a new modifier to the end of a data pipeline:

property num_frames: int

Read-only property indicating the number of trajectory frames that can be obtained from this pipeline.

This value matches the PipelineNode.num_frames value of the pipeline’s head node unless the FileSource.playback_ratio parameter has been set to a value other than 1:1. Note that the number of output animation frames produced by the pipeline may differ from the number of input trajectory frames if the pipeline contains modifiers that alter the frame count in some way, e.g. the LoadTrajectoryModifier.

Added in version 3.11.0.

property preliminary_updates: bool

This flag controls whether interactive Viewport windows should get refreshed while a pipeline computation is in progress to display intermediate computation results of modifiers computed so far. This flag only has an effect in the graphical user interface and if the pipeline is part of the scene. Setting this flag to False turns frequent, sometimes undesired viewport updates off. Then a single viewport refresh will occur only once the final pipeline output is fully computed.



Added in version 3.9.2.


Removes the visual representation of the pipeline from the scene by deleting it from the ovito.Scene.pipelines list. The output data of the pipeline will disappear from viewports.

property rotation: ArrayLike

Controls the rotation of the pipeline’s visual representation in the three-dimensional scene. The rotation is specified as a Rodrigues vector in units of radians. The rotation axis is given by the vector’s direction, while its length determines the rotation angle around that axis.

Note that this rotational transformation does not affect the pipeline’s output data, unlike the AffineTransformationModifier it only affects the visual representation in the scene. Thus, the effect will only be visible in the interactive viewports and in rendered images, not in the data returned by compute().


(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Added in version 3.10.1.

property source: PipelineNode | None

This property returns the PipelineNode responsible for producing or loading the input data for this pipeline. This typically is a FileSource object, if the pipeline was created by the ovito.io.import_file() function.

You can replace the source node of the pipeline if needed. Available types of sources are: FileSource, StaticSource, and PythonSource. It is possible for several pipelines to share the same source node.



property translation: ArrayLike

Controls the translation of the pipeline’s visual representation in the three-dimensional scene. The translation is specified as a 3d vector in units of the scene’s coordinate system.

Note that this translation does not displace the pipeline’s output data, unlike the AffineTransformationModifier it only affects the visual representation in the scene. Thus, the effect will only be visible in the interactive viewports and in rendered images, not in the data returned by compute().


(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Added in version 3.10.1.

class ovito.pipeline.PipelineNode

Added in version 3.10.0.

This abstract base class represents one step in a Pipeline. Every node in a data pipeline is either a data source or a data modification step.


The nodes of a pipeline form a linked-list structure. Each node has a reference to the preceding node in the pipeline, where it receives its input data from. Modification nodes are associated with a Modifier instance, which is the algorithm to be applied to the data during pipeline execution.

Source nodes represent the first stage of a pipeline. Concrete types of source nodes in OVITO are: FileSource, StaticSource, and PythonSource. They are responsible for loading input data from a file, managing a static data collection, or evaluating a Python function that dynamically generates new data, respectively.

Data modification steps in a pipeline are instances of the ModificationNode class, which is a specialization of PipelineNode managing a reference to a preceding node in the pipeline (ModificationNode.input). This reference specifies where the modification node will receive its input data from. Additionally, each modification node manages a reference to a Modifier object (ModificationNode.modifier), which implements the actual data modification algorithm that gets executed during pipeline evaluation. The modifier is also where the control parameters of the data modification step are stored. Several ModificationNode instances can share the same Modifier object, which allows to reuse the same data modification algorithm in multiple places, e.g. two different pipelines.

A pipeline has exactly one head node, which is stored in the Pipeline.head field. It represents the outlet of the pipeline as it is the last processing step in the data flow sequence. It’s called head node, because it’s the head of a linked-list structure formed by the pipeline steps.

Every pipeline also has a source node, which is the one at the tail of the chain of nodes. That tail node is directly accessible as the pipeline’s source property.


Requests the results from this pipeline node. Calling this function may implicitly lead to an evaluation of all preceding pipeline nodes in the pipeline, if necessary. The function returns a new DataCollection object containing the result data for a single trajectory frame.

The optional frame parameter determines the frame to compute, which must be in the range 0 through (num_frames-1). If you don’t specify a frame number, the current time slider position of the OVITO GUI will be used (always frame 0 if called from a non-interactive Python script).

The pipeline node uses a caching mechanism, keeping the output data for one or more trajectory frames in memory. Thus, invoking compute() repeatedly to retrieve the same frame will typically be very fast.


frame (int | None) – The trajectory frame to retrieve or compute.


A new DataCollection containing the frame’s data.

Return type:


property num_frames: int

Read-only attribute reporting the number of output trajectory frames this pipeline node can compute or produce.

In case of a FileSource, returns the number of trajectory frames found in the input file or sequence of input files. In case of a StaticSource, returns constant 1. In case of a PythonSource, returns the result of the PipelineSourceInterface.compute_trajectory_length() method. In case of a ModificationNode, returns the number of frames generated by the input node, which may be altered by the associated modifier.

class ovito.pipeline.PipelineSourceInterface

Base: traits.has_traits.HasTraits

Added in version 3.9.1.

Abstract base class for custom pipeline sources in Python. Implementations of the interface must at least provide the create() method.


from ovito.data import DataCollection
from ovito.pipeline import PipelineSourceInterface

class ExampleSource(PipelineSourceInterface):
    def create(self, data: DataCollection, **kwargs):
        cell_matrix = [
        data.create_cell(cell_matrix, pbc=(False, False, False))

Next, you can build a new Pipeline using this pipeline source by wrapping it in a PythonSource object:

from ovito.pipeline import Pipeline, PythonSource

example_source = ExampleSource()
pipeline = Pipeline(source = PythonSource(delegate = example_source))
abstract compute_trajectory_length(**kwargs)

A source that would like to control the number of trajectory frames shown in the timeline of OVITO should implement this method to communicate the number of frames it is able to generate.


kwargs (Any) – Captures any arguments that may be passed in by the pipeline system in the future.


The number of animation frames this source can generate.

Return type:


An implementation of compute_trajectory_length() must return a positive integer. The value will serve as timeline length, which will be used by OVITO for animation rendering and such. The pipeline system will subsequently invoke your class’ create() method with frame parameter values ranging from 0 to the trajectory length minus 1.

If you do not implement the compute_trajectory_length() method, the pipeline system will assume your source can generate just one static configuration (frame 0).


from ovito.data import DataCollection
from ovito.pipeline import PipelineSourceInterface
from traits.api import Range, observe
import math

class AnimatedPipelineSource(PipelineSourceInterface):

    # Parameter controlling the animation length (value can be changed by the user):
    duration = Range(low=1, value=40)

    def compute_trajectory_length(self, **kwargs):
        return self.duration

    # This is needed to notify the pipeline system whenever the duration is changed by the user:
    def anim_duration_changed(self, event):

    def create(self, data: DataCollection, *, frame: int, **kwargs):
        size = 8.0 + math.cos(frame / self.duration * math.pi * 2)
        cell_matrix = [
        data.create_cell(cell_matrix, pbc=(False, False, False))
abstract create(data, *, frame, **kwargs)

The generator function which gets called by the pipeline system to let the source do its thing and produce a data collection.

  • data (DataCollection) – Data collection which should be populated by the function. It may already contain data from previous runs.

  • frame (int) – Zero-based trajectory frame number.

  • kwargs (Any) – Any further arguments that may be passed in by the pipeline system. This parameter should always be part of the function signature for forward compatibility with future versions of OVITO.


Notifies the pipeline system that the number of output animation frames this source can generate has changed. The class should call this method whenever the return value of its compute_trajectory_length() method changes, for example, as a consequence of a parameter change.

class ovito.pipeline.PythonSource

Base: ovito.pipeline.PipelineNode

A pipeline node type that executes a user-defined Python function to dynamically create the input data for the Pipeline. It allows you to feed a pipeline with dynamically generated data instead of loading the data from an external file using one of OVITO’s file format readers.

When setting up a PythonSource, you have the choice between two different programming interfaces: The function-based interface is simple and involves less boilerplate code, but it is also less powerful. It involves defining a single Python function with a predefined signature that is called by OVITO’s pipeline system to generate the data of one trajectory frame at a time.

Code example for the simple function-based interface:

from ovito.pipeline import Pipeline, PythonSource
from ovito.io import export_file
from ovito.data import DataCollection
import numpy

# User-defined data source function, which populates an empty DataCollection with
# some data objects:
def create_model(frame: int, data: DataCollection):
    particles = data.create_particles(count=20)
    coordinates = particles.create_property('Position')
    coordinates[:,0] = numpy.linspace(0.0, 50.0, particles.count)
    coordinates[:,1] = numpy.cos(coordinates[:,0]/4.0 + frame/5.0)
    coordinates[:,2] = numpy.sin(coordinates[:,0]/4.0 + frame/5.0)

# Create a data pipeline with a PythonSource, which executes our
# script function defined above.
pipeline = Pipeline(source = PythonSource(function = create_model))

# Export the results of the data pipeline to an output file.
# The system will invoke the Python function defined above once per animation frame.
export_file(pipeline, 'output/trajectory.xyz', format='xyz',
    columns=['Position.X', 'Position.Y', 'Position.Z'],
    multiple_frames=True, start_frame=0, end_frame=10)

For more advanced applications, a class-based programming interface is also available, which involves defining a new Python class that implements the PipelineSourceInterface. This approach gives you control over aspects such as the length of the dynamically-generated trajectory sequence and it allows you to define adjustable user parameters that control the behavior of your custom data source. See the PythonSource.delegate field and the PipelineSourceInterface for more details.

property delegate: PipelineSourceInterface | None

The PipelineSourceInterface object implementing the logic of the user-defined pipeline source. The pipeline system will invoke its create() method whenever it needs the input data for a particular trajectory frame.



property function: Callable[[int, DataCollection], Any] | None

The Python function to be invoked when the data pipeline is evaluated by the system.

The function must have the signature shown in the code example above. The frame parameter specifies the current trajectory frame at which the data pipeline is being evaluated. The DataCollection data is initially empty and should be populated with data objects by the user-defined Python function.



property working_dir: str

A filesystem path that should be used as active working directory while the Python function is executed by the pipeline system. This setting mainly plays a role if the PythonSource is being used in the GUI version of OVITO and if it performs some file I/O. Relative file paths will then get resolved with respect to the specified working directory.

If no working directory is explicitly specified, the application’s current working directory will be used.



class ovito.pipeline.ReferenceConfigurationModifier

Base: ovito.pipeline.Modifier

This is the common base class of analysis modifiers that perform some kind of comparison of the current particle configuration with a reference configuration. For example, the CalculateDisplacementsModifier, the AtomicStrainModifier and the WignerSeitzAnalysisModifier are modifier types that require a reference configuration as additional input.

Constant and sliding reference configurations

The ReferenceConfigurationModifier base class provides various fields that allow you to specify the reference particle configuration. By default, frame 0 of the currently loaded simulation sequence is used as reference. You can select any other frame with the reference_frame field. Sometimes an incremental analysis is desired, instead of a fixed reference configuration. That means the sliding reference configuration and the current configuration are separated along the time axis by a constant period (delta t). The incremental analysis mode is activated by setting the use_frame_offset flag and specifying the desired frame_offset.

External reference configuration file

By default, the reference particle positions are obtained by evaluating the same data pipeline that also provides the current particle positions, i.e. which the modifier is part of. That means any modifiers preceding this modifier in the pipeline will also act upon the reference particle configuration, but not modifiers that follow in the pipeline.

Instead of taking it from the same data pipeline, you can explicitly provide a reference configuration by loading it from a separate data file. To this end the reference field contains a FileSource object and you can use its load() method to load the reference particle positions from a separate file.

Handling of periodic boundary conditions and cell deformations

Certain analysis modifiers such as the CalculateDisplacementsModifier and the AtomicStrainModifier calculate the displacements particles experienced between the reference and the current configuration. Since particle coordinates in periodic simulation cells are often stored in a wrapped form, calculating the displacement vectors is non-trivial when particles have crossed the periodic boundaries. By default, the minimum image convention is used in these cases, but you can turn if off by setting minimum_image_convention to False, for example if the input particle coordinates are given in unwrapped form.

Furthermore, if the simulation cell of the reference and the current configuration are different, it makes a slight difference whether displacements are calculated in the reference or in the current frame. The affine_mapping property controls the type of coordinate mapping that is used.

property affine_mapping: ReferenceConfigurationModifier.AffineMapping

Selects how particle displacements are calculated to compensate for changes in the shape of the simulation cell. An affine deformation may be applied to the particle coordinates of either the reference or the current configuration prior to the actual analysis computation. Must be one of the following enum values:


Calculate displacement vectors simply from the differences between Cartesian particle coordinates in the current and reference configuration, irrespective of any cell shape change. Note that this may introduce a small geometric error if the shape of the periodic simulation cell did change considerably between reference and current configuration.


Map the current particle positions to the reference cell before calculating the displacements. This is done by applying an affine transformation calculated from the inverse of the cell shape change to the current particle coordinates.


Map the reference particle positions to the deformed cell before calculating the displacements. This is done by applying an affine transformation calculated from the cell shape change to the reference particle coordinates.



property frame_offset: int

The relative frame offset when using a sliding reference configuration (if use_frame_offset == True). Negative frame offsets correspond to reference configurations that precede the current configuration in time.



property minimum_image_convention: bool

If False, then displacements are calculated from the particle coordinates in the reference and the current configuration as is. Note that in this case the calculated displacements of particles that have crossed a periodic simulation cell boundary will be wrong if their coordinates are stored in a wrapped form. If True, then the minimum image convention is applied when calculating the displacements of particles that have crossed a periodic boundary.



property reference: PipelineNode | None

A source PipelineNode object that provides the reference particle positions. By default this field is None, in which case the modifier obtains the reference particle positions from current data pipeline it is part of. You can explicitly set a different data source such as a new FileSource or a StaticSource to specify an explicit reference configuration that is not a snapshot from the current simulation trajectory.

# A modifier that needs a reference config as input:
mod = CalculateDisplacementsModifier()

# Load the reference config from a separate input file.
mod.reference = ovito.pipeline.FileSource()


property reference_frame: int

The zero-based animation frame to use as reference configuration. Ignored if use_frame_offset is set.



property use_frame_offset: bool

Determines whether a sliding reference configuration is taken at a constant time offset (specified by frame_offset) relative to the current frame. If False, a constant reference configuration is used (set by the reference_frame parameter) irrespective of the current frame.



class ovito.pipeline.StaticSource

Base: ovito.pipeline.PipelineNode

Serves as a data source for a Pipeline. A StaticSource manages a DataCollection, which it will pass to the Pipeline as input data. One typically initializes a StaticSource with a collection of data objects, then wiring it to a Pipeline as follows:

from ovito.pipeline import StaticSource, Pipeline
from ovito.data import DataCollection, SimulationCell, Particles
from ovito.modifiers import CreateBondsModifier
from ovito.io import export_file

# Insert a new SimulationCell object into a data collection:
data = DataCollection()
cell = SimulationCell(pbc = (False, False, False))
cell[:,0] = (4,0,0)
cell[:,1] = (0,2,0)
cell[:,2] = (0,0,2)

# Create a Particles object containing two particles:
particles = Particles()
particles.create_property('Position', data=[[0,0,0],[2,0,0]])

# Create a new Pipeline with a StaticSource as data source:
pipeline = Pipeline(source = StaticSource(data = data))

# Apply a modifier:
pipeline.modifiers.append(CreateBondsModifier(cutoff = 3.0))

# Write pipeline results to an output file:
export_file(pipeline, 'output/structure.data', 'lammps/data', atom_style='bond')
property data: DataCollection | None

The DataCollection managed by this object, which will be fed to the pipeline.

