Example B2: Computing CNA bond indices
The following script demonstrates how to use the CreateBondsModifier
to create bonds between particles. The structural environment of each created bond
is then characterized with the help of the CommonNeighborAnalysisModifier
which computes a triplet of indices for each bond from the topology of the surrounding bond network.
The script accesses the computed CNA bond indices in the output DataCollection
of the
modification pipeline and exports them to a text file. The script enumerates the bonds of each particle
using the BondsEnumerator
helper class.
The generated text file has the following format:
Atom CNA_pair_type:Number_of_such_pairs ...
1 [4 2 1]:2 [4 2 2]:1 [5 4 3]:1
2 ...
Python script:
# Import OVITO modules.
from ovito.io import *
from ovito.modifiers import *
from ovito.data import *
# Import standard Python and NumPy modules.
import sys
import numpy
# Load the simulation dataset to be analyzed.
pipeline = import_file("input/simulation.0.dump")
# Create bonds.
pipeline.modifiers.append(CreateBondsModifier(cutoff = 3.5))
# Compute CNA indices on the basis of the created bonds.
mode = CommonNeighborAnalysisModifier.Mode.BondBased))
# Let OVITO's data pipeline do the heavy work.
data = pipeline.compute()
# The 'CNA Indices' bond property is a two-dimensional array
# containing the three CNA indices computed for each bond in the system.
cna_indices = data.particles.bonds['CNA Indices']
# This helper function takes a two-dimensional array and computes the frequency
# histogram of the data rows using some NumPy magic.
# It returns two arrays (of same length):
# 1. The list of unique data rows from the input array
# 2. The number of occurrences of each unique row
def row_histogram(a):
ca = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a).view([('', a.dtype)] * a.shape[1])
unique, indices, inverse = numpy.unique(ca, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
counts = numpy.bincount(inverse)
return (a[indices], counts)
# Used below for enumerating the bonds of each particle:
bond_enumerator = BondsEnumerator(data.particles.bonds)
# Loop over particles and print their CNA indices.
for particle_index in range(data.particles.count):
# Print particle index (1-based).
sys.stdout.write("%i " % (particle_index+1))
# Create local list with CNA indices of the bonds of the current particle.
bond_index_list = list(bond_enumerator.bonds_of_particle(particle_index))
local_cna_indices = cna_indices[bond_index_list]
# Count how often each type of CNA triplet occurred.
unique_triplets, triplet_counts = row_histogram(local_cna_indices)
# Print list of triplets with their respective counts.
for triplet, count in zip(unique_triplets, triplet_counts):
sys.stdout.write("%s:%i " % (triplet, count))
# End of particle line